Friday, November 27, 2009

how fair is lifee......

i try not remembring you..
i try not thinking of you...
but you make your way in my thoughts....
you always knew how to do it from the start...
when we met for the first time..
u told me something and it made me think for a while...
you told me..."LIFE IS ALWAYS UNFAIR"
i never believed you...
never seemed to make sense...
dint understand why it did to you...
over the time we came close...
whenver i cried on my fate..
you always said...
when the tidings were low..
and nothing seemed right...
you told me the same...
i never understood why..
i never understood how..
i kept pondring...
is life really unfair?
if yes then why so?
if no then y does he say so?
how can HE be wrong??
my heart never agreed....
my soul never seemed 2 believe..
and then...the day was here..
when we said our parting vows..
so this is said...
my heart dint seem 2 believe..
life suddenly felt lika a flower..
whch had bloomed..
and now it was dying away..
and i cudnt do a thng...
i cried to you...
and said..this is not fair.!!...
you retorted back...
you walked away..
and i still stand there..
time has moved ahead..
and so i guess have you....
not that i havent..
but i ahve drageed you along..
in my thoughts
in my memories..
you still linger on...
you still are the hope in my life
you still are my best friend...
i think about us lot s of times..
n i still wonder...
about what you said...
"life is unfair niksy"
you wud say....and i wud nod my head ..
it s been a few weeks now..'
i havent heard your voice..
havent heard you declare.
life is unfair...
and so every night....
i sleep wid a heavy heart...
not only cos i miss you..
but cos i never understood you...
never understood the words ...
never saw the depth..
i still wonder..what is it that you meant???...